
IMMS Lion Theatre Triumphs at Epic Waters: From Improv to Eclipse Watching
2023 Football Review
The 2023 football season at IMMS Middle School was really exciting and special. The team had both 7th and 8th graders playing, and they all did an amazing job. 
ACE Golf Season Ends with Success: A Recap of the Enriching Experience
We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the ACE golf season, a journey filled with learning, progress, and excitement. This season, students immersed themselves in the world of golf, honing their skills on the picturesque grounds of Rockwood Golf Course every Wednesday. 
STEM Field Trip
On September 27, 2023, the students of Irma Marsh Middle School embarked on an exciting field trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History as part of their STEM program.